Contact us
If you’re interested in our Forest Keepers or Marine Guardians, starting a project in our territory, covering our story in the media, or other business opportunities, please reach out to us!
In connecting with us, we ask you to keep in mind:
Free, Prior & Informed Consent (FPIC): our inherent right to decide “yes” or “no” to activities on our territory—including forestry or mining—with ample time, with all available scientific, social, and environmental information, and without pressure or intimidation from others.
Data ownership, control, access, and possession (OCAP): we own our data in the way an individual would own their personal information. This includes our right to control research processes and information management involving us and our right to access information and data about ourselves, regardless of who holds it
Fill out the fields on this page, and then click “Send” to get in touch with us. We are a small group, but we do our best to respond to emails within 5 business days. You can also email us directly at Gilakas’la.